Angular PDF viewer showcase. Running on Angular 18.2.3 and ngx-extended-pdf-viewer 21.4.1. Choose a version:

This is a very advanced usecase.

If you want to implement your own find algorithm, define a class implementing the find controller and pass it to the attribute pdfDefaultOptions.findController before opening the PDF file.

To get started, copy the files pdf_find_controller.js, ui_utils.js, and pdf_find_utils.js from the source code of this showcase to your project and extend your own find controller from the class PDFFindController.

The live demo below doesn't do much. It only prints console messages when the custom find controller is instantiated and when the find algorithm is called.

File name:


File size:










Creation Date:


Modification Date:




PDF Producer:


PDF Version:


Page Count:


Page Size:


Fast Web View:


Choose an option Alt text (alternative text) helps when people can’t see the image or when it doesn’t load.
Aim for 1-2 sentences that describe the subject, setting, or actions.
This is used for ornamental images, like borders or watermarks.
Preparing document for printing…